
Julie Money

Founder & CEO

What with the climate crisis, the pandemic, galloping inflation, war on Europe’s doorstep, debt and the Big Quit, there could be many legitimate reasons for succumbing to the collective pessimism. And yet…

“We love going over and above mere content”

In the digital world and in social media, content is everything. At ENJOY Conseil, we like to go and see what lies beyond. Our line of work is meta content. The goal is no longer to produce “just” content, but to see content through the lens of relevance and performance, whether that is measured in terms of impressions, likes, clicks, CPL or anything else.
It is creating more visibility, more readability… in short, more positive impact. As ever, it is all about the bottom line…

Our mojo? Addressing companies’ business stakes does not rule out creativity and boldness, on the contrary!

Need proof?

They, too, prefer to make an impact and get off the beaten track (lucky us!).

We like to work as a team.

People often ask us about our business model. We are proud of it.
We see ourselves somewhere between a consulting firm and a communications agency, nurturing a keen ability to listen and excellence in customer service.

Because joining forces effectively doubles our effectiveness, our in-house talents can count on a network of freelance creatives. This means no fewer than 20 actionable industry skills to extend our reach over and above content. We are bound together by powerful consultancy, a quick mind, and the culture of achievement.

And naturally, at the heart of this ecosystem of relationships: our clients, as ever.

In your opinion, do they like that? 100% certified opinions

If I had to write ENJOY Conseil’s CV, I would value their expertise in digital marketing and content strategies, both digital and print! Without forgetting their creativity, their ability to listen and their flexibility.

@OMNES Education

If I had to attribute 3 hard skills to ENJOY, I would say: advice, business expertise and the ability to reinvent itself, to always be up to date and constantly able to meet the different needs of its customers.


The little + of ENJOY is their holistic approach. They always challenge the initial brief. And anticipate the potential impacts or other bricks to be integrated into the project so that, ultimately, it is a success in terms of results.


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What with the climate crisis, the pandemic, galloping inflation, war on Europe’s doorstep, debt and the Big Quit, there could be many legitimate reasons for succumbing to the collective pessimism. And yet…

In a world in flux, where our clients, our partners and our (future) talents are more than ever on a quest for meaning, and where communication is all too often seen as useless and unnecessary, we have decided to instead embrace optimism with this new name and this new logo: ENJOY.

ENJOY is an obsession. That of putting the magic and joy back into our line of work. And of doing it (we hope, a bit) differently. Because we like to boost our clients’ and talents’ endorphins with bold, effective brand strategies that extend beyond content. And because we want to let the world know about it.

ENJOY is a mindset. That of a benevolent, critical rationalism, a pertinent impertinence, that leads you off the beaten track to explore new playing fields. And to enjoy doing so, with our clients and partners, to constantly whet our appetite for knowledge and our creativity.

ENJOY is a modus operandi. With listening to our clients as the sole constant. To guide and support them with various content issues of which they may even have been totally unaware. Recommendation is our hallmark.

ENJOY is a commitment. A commitment to restoring the taste for a responsible ROI. Because content can serve companies’ performance and promote communication that is virtuous for the planet.

Yes, it is time we reconsidered our relationship to business.
Thought in terms of ecosystems. Long-term. Sustainability. At ENJOY, we know we can be a game changer, or try to make even a modest contribution, at our (modest) level.

So why don’t we all take a stand against the prevailing doom and gloom?

Founder & CEO